Monday, August 18, 2008

Another reason to know where you meat comes from...this video is just a little bit disturbing...

This is a video just sent to me by a friend Juliet who works at Current. It's pretty gruesome and horrible. I thought about how the woman, an environmental consultant from Chino, who drove by the facility every day, was so surprised that with 5 full time inspectors, employees trained to not abuse cattle, and external and internal audits that this abuse still occurred at this meat plant. It makes you think about how at Polyface farm you, the consumer, can look right into Polyface's chicken slaughtering area and how Joel Salatin declared this a greater guarantee of clean meat. This just goes to prove he's probably right...

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Jacky, I don't know how I came across your blog, but I like it.
